Wednesday, May 15, 2013

S is for Star

Hiya!  Still feeling the blogger blues and my creative juices are almost on empty.  I'm never without polish on my nails, but most of my mani's never see the inside of my light box, sad I know, but they're just meh.  What are somethings you do to get out of a funk?  I'm afraid that not even the brightest of mani's is keeping me inspired - I actually thought to myself, this is too bright!!  WHO AM I?  Too bright?  Now you know I'm in a serious funk :)

I'm off to check out what my ladies have come up with for R, I know I'll be seeing some fabulous mani's, join me by clicking on the links below!

Holla, N

All the lovely participating ladies...

1. Lisa @LOZLOSA 
2. A Polished Prance 
3. Over the Top Coat 
4. Pee Before Polish 
5. Polishaholic RiaG 
6. Nail Art Novice 
7. Small Budget Beauty 
8. Nicole gets Nailed 
9. Glittery Fingers & Sparkling Toes 
10. Light Your Nails! 
11. Criminal Nails 
12. Perfectly Polished 
13. Kimber's Lacquer Korner 
14. Sunshine Nails 
15. Marii @Nailista 
16. Liz @ A-Mani_Maniac 
17. I Relish Nail Polish 
18. Pattyandgoldiesdayoff 
19. Miss Nail Polish 
20. Kat Hooked On Polish 

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Wednesday, May 8, 2013

R is for Roses

Hi polished (and non-polished) friends!

Welcome to another installment of Kimber's Lacquer Korner ABC Challenge post, today is the letter R.  After, what I thought, was a pretty decent Q, I'm feeling less than enthusiastic about this mani.  Roses seem to be my go to lately and I really wanted to do something different.  I had a bit of a brain fart on Monday, I thought it was Tuesday and hadn't done my R mani on the weekend, so I was rushing to get it done and get the post up for Wednesday.  It was only after I had rushed and spent way more than an acceptable amount of time on this, that I realized, derp, it's Monday.  Hence the go to roses.

And wouldn't you know that I have two rose mani's in the vault (see I told you it was my go to).  They didn't turn out how I wanted, so I thought I would do something new and I'm not feeling it.  I should have just stuck with my vault mani's!!

Hope everyone had a wonderful week.  Join me in checking out my lovelies and their "R" mani's, I'm sure they are just as glad as I am to be past the dreaded letter Q - oh wait, we still have V, X, Y, Z......

Holla, N

All the lovely participating ladies

1. Pee Before Polish 
2. Sunshine Nails 
3. Nicole gets Nailed 
4. Glittery Fingers & Sparkling Toes 
5. Small Budget Beauty 
6. Light Your Nails! 
7. Polishaholic RiaG 
8. Criminal Nails 
9. Miss Nail Polish 
10. Over the Top Coat 
11. I Relish Nail Polish 
12. Nail Art Novice 
13. A Polished Prance 
14. Lisa @LOZLOSA 
15. Marii @Nailista 
16. Liz @ A-Mani-Maniac 

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Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Q is for Queen of Hearts

Hello all!  Welcome to my first and likely only post for the week!!  My goodness I am having the worst nail polish blogger block ever!  I took my polish off three times last night - so redonkulous.  I have only one more mani in the vault and I'm feeling the pressure!  The pressure doesn't come from you guys, it comes from myself - I must get 3 posts up a week - I can't believe I used to do this daily - crazy!

Anyhoodle, Q is the letter of the day and I choose something easy - Queen of Hearts.  I kinda wanted to give the quilted technique a try, but every mani I do lately seems to crash and burn, so I stuck with what I can do - nail art.

I can't remember if this was done before or after my break, I think it was before, but my poor little babies suffered a break, yes a small problem in the world full of problems, but at the time it mattered - a lot!  I was actually out with the hubby shopping and I made him take me home so I could fix my break - this was after the trip to Sally's by the way, so don't worry I still managed to buy polish.  He was making fun of me the rest of the night, but come on - my nails, my beautiful, long nails....... China Glaze was on 2 for $10 and then you got a free polish when you bought 2 so I got another - must have all the polish!!!

Hope all you lovelies are having a fabulous week, be sure to join me in checking out my fellow challengers by clicking on the links below!!

Holla, N

All the lovely participating ladies

1. Light Your Nails! 
2. Me, Myself & Polish 
3. Over the Top Coat 
4. Pee Before Polish 
5. A Polished Prance 
6. Glittery Fingers & Sparkling Toes 
7. Small Budget Beauty 
8. Nicole gets Nailed 
9. Polishaholic RiaG 
10. Criminal Nails 
11. Whisky in Teacups 
12. Liz @ A-Mani-Maniac 
13. Miss Nail Polish 
14. Beauty Obsessed 
15. I Relish Nail Polish 
16. Marii@Nailista 
17. Lisa @LOZLOSA 
18. Kat Hooked On Polish 

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Friday, April 26, 2013

Cut it Out!

Happy Friday!!  Who remembers Full House??  Who cried when Michelle gave Jessie the pink bunny rabbit wallpaper from his room??  ME!

Today, I have another vaulted ABC Challenge mani.  This one is inspired by Lexi Martone who I follow on Instagram, but does have a blog called Finger Painted.  This girl is AMAZABALLS, yes she is that good she gets ALL CAPS!  I can't find the inspiration mani on her blog, but it is on Instagram, fingers crossed that when you click on this link, you'll see what I see!

I'm not all that keen on how this turned out.  The base color was way more pink before I covered it up and the pinky is horrendous.  Oh well, I'm a HUGE fan of Lexi and I have another inspired mani that will make an appearance on Peace, Love and Polish soon!!

Holla, N

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

P is for Purple and Patterned

Hiya polished friends!

Welcome to "P" day - lol, and of course I giggled because I'm a 10 year old boy in real life!!  Do we seriously only have 10 more letters left for Kimber's Lacquer Korner's ABC Challenge?  WOWza time flies by, hey?  What's our next challenge?  The New 31 Day Challenge??  All in favor?

Originally I was going to do a mani inspired by Heather over at Peace, Love and Polish, but it didn't turn out as I had hoped - I may or may not show it, we'll see.....Doesn't it suck when you have the best idea and it doesn't turn out!!  GRRRR....

Anyhoodle, I went on a bit of a polish binge this weekend and bought 22 polishes - eeks!!  I went to my local Shopper's Drug Mart and found NOPI's for $3.99, I grabbed a couple of those and a pink Essie for $1.99 - there was 3 - I bought them all...I don't feel guilty.  Plus our Walmart's finally got Salon Perfect and Pure ICE, so I stocked up - I actually went to two Walmarts to find what I needed - which was a lot apparently.

I used new plates that I got a while ago and haven't really used until now.  I bought the 2012 Cheeky Plates, you get 3 XL Jumbo plates for 14.99.  I mistakenly thought Jumbo meant they would fit on my nails, but see that purple moon there, ya that wasn't my intention - the plates don't fit my extremely long nails(okay, they aren't extremely long, but they're long for me!!).  I still love how they turned out so, yay for new nail stuff!!

Some of you asked which color I used for my O is for Oscar De La Renta Inspired mani and I don't want to disappoint so here's what I used:  Two coats of Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear in Mellow Yellow (thanks Gini) and then two coats of Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear in Sunny Side.  Sunny Side is super sheer and I couldn't get coverage even with multiple coats, so I used both.

Be sure to join me in checking out my fellow challengers and their "P" mani - giggle!!

Holla, N

All the lovely participating ladies

1. Liz @ A-Mani-Maniac 
2. A Polished Prance 
3. Manicure Addict 
4. Cristina@PBP 
5. Small Budget Beauty 
6. Glittery Fingers & Sparkling Toes 
7. Criminal Nails 
8. Light Your Nails! 
9. Nicole gets Nailed 
10. I Relish Nail Polish 
11. Polishaholic RiaG 
12. Nail Art Novice 
13. Marii @ Nailista 
14. Gini@SassyPaints 
15. Whisky in Teacups 
16. Over the Top Coat 
17. Miss Nail Polish 
18. Kimber's Lacquer Korner 
19. Patty and Goldie's Day Off 
20. Beauty Obsessed 
21. Lisa @LOZLOSA 
22. Sunshine Nails 
23. Me, Myself & Polish 

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Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Better Late Than Never

Hello friends, so much for my Monday, Wednesday, Friday posting hey?  Oh well, at least I'm getting some stuff up!!!

So as you may or may not know I'm currently doing the ABC challenge hosted by the lovely Kimber over at Kimber's Lacquer Korner and I often come up with ideas and execute them fine, but then come up with another idea or as in this case remember that I'm supposed to be posting purple mani's for my boo Becca over at Nail Narcotics.  This was originally done for "L" day and is inspired by the lovely Lacey over at Lace and Lacquers.  I'm not sure if you've heard of Lacey or are following her on Instagram, but this girls cracks me up - she's got THE BEST potty mouth and doesn't give a damn who hears/reads.  Her puppy is super cute and she always has great reviews on all kind of products!  So if you're not following her, go now, I promise you won't be disappointed.

To see the mani that inspired this look, click here.  I have no idea how Lacey had the patience to do all of her fingers, after the first one I tapped out, there's no way I was doing all of them!!

Can you tell these are from the vault?  Ya, they're much shorter than my nails are now - love it!!

Also, a BIG CONGRATULATIONS to Heather over at Peace, Love and Polish who had her baby today - a boy named Connor - he's a real cutey!!  Keep an eye on Heather's blog for guest bloggers while she gets settled with Connor, you might even see one from me - hint hint!!

That's all for now, have a good one!

Holla N

Friday, April 19, 2013

Stamping Princess Part Duex

Happy Friday my lovely readers!!  I hope you're week went by without a hitch and that you're ready for the weekend!  Today I have a review of Born Pretty Store stamping plate, the one I used for my artsy 3-D nails, seen here.  I picked this stamping plate for the image I'm showing you in this post.  I love the shape and the swirly prettiness.  Disclosure:  this product was given to me to review, all opinions are my own and are in no way shape or form influenced by anyone else.

First up, I would again, like to apologize to Daisy from the Born Pretty Store, for the lateness of this review. I did receive this product quite some time ago and am now just getting to reviewing it.  As always with the Born Pretty Store, I'm so impressed with their shipping, not only is it free, but it gets here incredibly fast considering it's coming from so far away.  Disclosure:  this product was given to me to review, all opinions are my own and are in no way shape or form influenced by anyone else.

For this mani, I used the Born Pretty Store black stamping polish that can be purchased individually or as a set of 5, which is the one I got.  The set includes red, yellow, blue, black and white and retails for $6.93 (or you can get them individually for $2.05).  The stamping plate (plate number QA48) is one of the Born Pretty Store's own creations, as I said above, I choose this plate for the image I used here, but I do really love the Snow White image that also is included on this plate - both a larger version and a smaller one as seen below.  Disclosure:  this product was given to me to review, all opinions are my own and are in no way shape or form influenced by anyone else. 
Born Pretty Store covers their plates in blue plastic film, so there's no way you'll forget to take it off.  The plate itself is a little sharp around the edges, so I recommend handling it carefully.  As for the designs themselves, they're well engraved and sized appropriately.  I didn't have any problems picking up the image on my trusty stamper and as you can see, I'm not the best at lining the stamps up but the image is abstract enough that it doesn't really matter.  Disclosure:  this product was given to me to review, all opinions are my own and are in no way shape or form influenced by anyone else.

If you're interested in picking up this plate, you can purchase them here or search the Born Pretty Store for item ID:  4861.  The great thing about Born Pretty Store stamping plates are, that they are reasonably priced, this one retails for $2.99 and there's also great selection.  Want to get this for yourself, here's a coupon code for 10% off your order - bonus!!  Disclosure:  this product was given to me to review, all opinions are my own and are in no way shape or form influenced by anyone else.

Holla, N